Brainstorming for Your CV

A company you want to apply to has asked you to send in a CV and you're thinking, "wait..what?" Don't worry! A CV is a concise document which summarizes your past, existing professional skills, proficiency and experiences. The purpose of this document is to demonstrate that you have the necessary skills to do the job for which you are applying. Literally you are selling your talents, skills, and proficiencies.

  1. Know what information a CV generally contains.

    Most CVs include your personal information, your education and qualifications, your work experience, your interests and achievements, your skills, and references. Also experienced people tailor your resume to the job you are applying for. Use a modern but professional format. However, there is no set format for a CV, what you include is up to you.

  2. Brainstorm your hobbies and interests.

    Unique interests or hobbies will make you stand out. Be aware of the conclusions that might be drawn from your hobbies. Try to list hobbies that portray you as a team-oriented individual rather than as a solitary, passive person. Companies want someone who works well with others and can take charge if need be.

    • Hobbies and interests that paint a positive image: Being the captain of your soccer (or football) team, organizing a charity event for an orphanage, secretary of your school’s student-run government.
    • Hobbies that imply a passive, solitary personality: watching TV, doing puzzles, reading. If you are going to put any of these things, give a reason why. For instance, if you are applying for a job at a publishing house, put something like: I enjoy reading the great American writers such as Twain and Hemingway because I think their writing gives a unique perspective into American culture at the time they were writing.
  3. Consider the job you are applying for.

    Research the company. A good CV is tailored to the specific job and company you are applying for. What does the company do? What is their mission statement? What do you think they are looking for in an employee? What skills does the specific job you are applying for require? These are all things to keep in mind when writing your CV.

  4. Check the company’s website for extra information about the CV.

    See if there is any specific information they want you to list in your CV. There might be specific directions listed on the application page. Always double check this.

  5. Make a list of jobs you have held.

    These can be both jobs you hold currently and jobs you have held in the past. Include the dates that you began and ended your term at each particular job.

  6. Make a list of your relevant skills.

    These skills often include computing skills (are you a wiz at Wordpress? Excel? inDesign? etc.), languages you speak, or specific things the company is looking for, such as targeted skills.

    • Example of targeted skills: If you are applying to be a writer for a newspaper, list that you are fluent in AP style. If you are applying for a coding job, mention that you have worked with JavaScript.
    • You can use a template
    • You can show your individuality

Taking time to brainstorm can help you to delve deeper into your career history and highlight accomplishments that make you stand out as an applicant.

When you have collected all of the materials successfully, you can start creating your CV.