CV glossary
Chronological CV
It’s the CV that organizes information chronologically,starting with the oldest achievements and ending with the most recent ones.
Combination or mixed CV
It’s the kind of CV that combines parts of the chronological CV and the functional one. It always starts with the functional format, organizing information by areas or topics, to continue with organization according to time-dates.
Cover letter or application letter
Curriculum Vitae
It’s a document that summarizes the working experience, education and skills of a candidate for a job search.
Functional CV
It’s the CV that organizes information by topics or areas instead of doing it chronologically. A quick glimpse of the most important information.
Human resources
A term used in reference to the organisation and management of people within an organisation.
Letter of recommendation
Document where a person, most of the time a former boss, names the candidate’s skills and mentions he or she is ideal for the job offer. It doesn’t usually go with the CV.
Usually its meaning is the same as the CV (resume in the US, CV in the UK) but with some differences.
Video resume – Video CV
It’s a type of CV that’s on the increase, particularly in English-speaking countries. It consists in a video recording where the candidate explains his or her skills for a job position in particular.
Web CV
It’s a personal website, designed as a CV, including the candidate’s skills and achievements. Being on the internet, any company or employer in the world can have access to it.